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5 Guilt-Free Tips to a Saner You

by Rachel Venning

  • Reward yourself for good deeds. For example for every two items you check off your to-do list, treat yourself to a date with your vibrator
  • Trade up your indulgences. Instead of that fifth glass of eggnog, or the 12th candy cane, promise yourself 15 minutes with your favorite book or TV show.
  • Reprioritize your gift list. Cashmere sweaters are nice, but when someone asks you waht you want, how about asking for some experiential treats instead, like a romantic date from your mate, or ask for babysitting from a niece or nephew so you can go out.
  • Schedule some downtime. Just say no to that last store, and get yourself home to a hot bubble bath. If you schedule this on your calendar you won’t be lying when you leave the office party early “for other plans.”
  • Let music make your mood, not break it!. If you start to develop an allergic reaction to mall Christmas music, replace it with music you like! Stash headphones in your pocket or purse along with your iPhone or MP3 player and you can tune out the chaos, and tune into the songs that make you happy.