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by Kristina Garcia

If you dread buying and using condoms because they?re uncomfortable ordon?t allow for the sensations you love, well worry no more! Condomtechnology has come a long way in the last five years. Finding condomsthat not only fit properly but also allow for maximum sensation is keyto enjoying a safe and healthy sex life. At Babeland we've gone aheadand done the fun research, so are sharing the results below.

Condoms 101

Size Matters. Contrary to popular belief, condoms are availablein a variety of shapes and sizes. Condoms listed as "snugger fit" aregoing to be a little smaller than a "standard"-sized condom; condomsthat say "large" or "XL" will be larger than a standard condom. Thecatch is that some snug condoms are only shorter and not narrower,while some larger condoms are only longer and not wider. Of course,other variations are possible too so you may have to try a few sizesbefore you get the right one. And while most American-made condoms arethicker and don?t allow for maximum sensation, Japanese and Swedishcondom makers have found a way to make thin condoms that still maintaindurability.

Lube it Up. Remember that most condoms come pre-lubricated, butnot enough to allow for ongoing penetration. Please have your favoritewater or silicone-based lube on hand (oil won?t be compatible with thelatex condoms!) and add some often to keep things pleasurable for bothof you. Unlubricated condoms are available for folks that prefer to useall their own, and non-latex condoms are available for folks with latexallergies. All condoms listed below are pre-lubricated, made out oflatex, and flavorless unless listed otherwise.

Are you looking for a condom that is...?


Standard or regular fit

Proper Attire Condoms Choose to keep it simple or mix things up with one of four variations (Basic, XL, Color, or Dots). Proceeds go directly to Planned Parenthood� Federation of America, so you?ll feel as good about buying these as you will about displaying them proudly on your nightstand.

Beyond 7 Dress to impress! Beyond 7 condoms are thinner than others, allowing for more sensation.

CrownThis Japanese-made condom is also thinner than average and has a softpink tint that looks almost invisible when on. Very sexy!

Snugger fit

LifeStyles Snugger Fit This condom is not only snugger than a standard condom but is also 25% thinner to allow for maximum sensation.

Roomier or larger fit

Proper Attire XL The XL size is slightly wider than the standard Proper Attire Condom, and proceeds go directly to Planned Parenthood� Federation of America, so you?ll feel as good about buying these as you will about displaying them proudly on your nightstand.

Kimono MicroThin Large This Japanese condom is 45% thinner than average condoms. It's also 15% longer and has 25% more head room too.

Made for maximum sensitivity

Kimono Type E These Japanese condoms combine the ultra sensitivity of superthincondoms with increased sensation due to the combination of studs andribs on the outside of the condom. A step above the old rough riders!


TrustexThese are by far my favorite non-lubricated condoms. They're a littlethinner than average condoms and come in a fun assortment of colors.Add your favorite water or silicone-based lubricant inside and outbefore using.

Great for oral sex

Trustex FlavoredThe folks at Trustex also make these fun, flavored condoms. They'repre-lubricated, thin, and come in strawberry or vanilla flavors.They're also one of the only FDA-approved flavored condoms on themarket. Great for flavored fellatio!

Non-latex, ideal if you have latex allergies

Avanti This non-latex condom is made out of polyurethane which is a great,safe alternative to latex. It's thinner than standard condoms and has anice, silky feel. It also comes pre-lubricated, and unlike latexcondoms it's compatible with oil-based lubricants.

All of the above!

Condom SamplerNot sure where to start? Try Babeland's condom sampler for a greatassortment of the great condom qualities listed above. It includes our favorite condoms of the moment!