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by Anne Semans

These techniques are easy and range from the sensual to the explicit, so adapt them to your own desires. We suggest complementing your massage with our all-natural, wonderfully fragrant, Babeland Body products: a bottle of Massage Oil, a soy-based Massage Candle, some Lickable Oil or Massage Oil Spray, or our luxurious Massage Cube.

  1. Warm up. Warmth is the key to a good massage:
    • Turn up the heat!
    • Take warm towels from the dryer and drape them over your partner.
    • Warm your massage oil gently in the microwave or under the tap (make sure to test the temperature on your hand before putting it on your partner's skin). Or use one of the versatile Babeland Body products such as the massage candle. As the candle wax melts, it turns into massage oil.
    • Have your partner bathe first (add some bath fizzies for fun) to raise the skin's temperature. Keep a towel nearby for easy clean-up.
  2. Get comfy. You want access to all sides of your lover's body, so pick a space ? the bed, a table, or a large area on the floor ? where you can reach all body parts. Have your partner strip and lie face-down. If you're naked too, you'll get some nice skin-to-skin contact.
  3. Plan your moves. Start with the back, shoulders, arms, hands, butt, legs, and feet. Then turn your lover over and begin with a face and scalp rub; then do the legs, feet, abdomen, chest and genitals. It's ok to improvise, but make sure you don't neglect any lovely body parts.
  4. Add oil. Pour about a tablespoon of all-natural oil, such as Babeland Body Massage Oil, into your hands and rub them together, then place them on your partner's body. Oil can feel wonderful, and allows your hands to massage longer without fatigue. If you don't like the slipperiness of oil, try a Massage Cube, which melts as you run it along your lover's skin. As you stroke, remember these things: repeat strokes several times, practice symmetry (don't do one arm and not the other), use plenty of oil, and don't break contact with your partner's body.
  5. Making it erotic. From here your massage can turn into a fantastic hand job or a gentle exploration of your partner's genitals. (Remember: oil is not latex-safe.)
    • Woman's vulva. Place a well-oiled hand over her vulva with the fingers pointing toward the anus, and pull up so that your palm grazes the clitoris on the way. Follow this motion with your other hand and repeat it.
    • Woman's clitoris. Imitate the way she masturbates if you've seen her do it. Try several fingers and experiment with different directions and pressure.
    • Man's genitals. Cup his testicles with your well-oiled hand and use the other hand to form a ring around the base of the penis, and slide up and down the shaft. Or use one hand to stroke the shaft while you use the fingers of your other hand in a twisting motion on the head, just as if you were juicing an orange.
  6. Improvise and experiment. Your hands aren't your only pleasure tools.  Dab some Lickable Oil onto sensitive parts, and lick away! Or add a tactile toy, such as the Starburst Tickler, the Pinwheel, or the Fukuoku 9000 Fingertip Vibe.
  7. Winding down. You may or may not want to bring your partner to orgasm. Whether or not you do, finish off your massage by lying down alongside or on top of your lover so you end with this intimate, warm gesture.

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