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by Rachel Venning

Clever dykes and transmen have borrowed a few tricks from their gaymale brethren and applied quality vacuum pumping systems to increasethe sizes of their clitoris. In addition to the visual satisfactions andsensory thrills of supersized genitalia, clit pumping lends itself togender play, SM and medical scenes, and is fun for gearheads who lovethe latest sexual technologies.

The entire clit pump system consists of a small clear cylinder(approximately 3/4" by 4") that attaches via flexible tube to a handoperated vacuum pump which, through powerful suction, pulls blood intothe clitoris and the surrounding genital structures. As the clit, theclit hood, and some of the labia become engorged with blood you can seethe clit "grow" as it is sucked into the cylinder. The intense tuggingsensation is enough to generate an orgasm for some, for others the goalis to produce a clit big enough for penetration, and for others, thethrill is in playing with the swollen and sensitized tissue after thecylinder is removed. The intensity of the sensation is not foreveryone. Here are the basics on how to do it:

  1. Get good equipment and familiarize yourself with it. Expect a high quality pumpand the Pyrex cylinder to go with it to cost upwards of $100. Cheaperoptions exist, but they don't work as well. Practice using the pump onyour thigh and make sure you understand how it works, including thequick release valve.
  2. Prepare the area. The pump works best if the tissue is already warmand has good blood flow. It helps to be turned on, to take a bath orshower first, and to shave any pubic hair that would get in the way ofa good seal. 
  3. Use a thick water-based lube. Maximus is one brand that will helpcreate a seal between the flared opening of the cylinder and your skin.Coat your clit and the inside of the tube to prevent chafing.
  4. Get a grip. Hold the cylinder snugly against your skin with onehand and use the other hand to pump. Once the suction has created aseal, you can let go of the cylinder.
  5. Go slowly and treat it experimentally. Start with the valve open tojust feel slight sucking. When the valve is closed, each squeeze of thehand pump increases the vacuum pull on the clitoris and surroundingtissue, so pause after each pump to see how it feels. Pain is a sign tostop. Don't expect to fill the entire cylinder. Experiment withreleasing all the pressure and then pumping again.
  6. Enjoy the heightened sensations. Stop pumping after a few minutesand enjoy the sensations or let a lover appreciate your fattened clitwith her mouth.
  7. Don't over do it. A little pumping goes a long way and over-pumpingcan desensitize the tissue. If you find yourself numb rather than supersensitive, then you'll know to do it less next time.
  8. Where's the camera? The engorged tissue swelling to fill the clearcylinder will be an amazing shape, color and size, so enjoy thevisuals!
  9. Play around. The pump and tube can be detached, leaving theengorged clit still vacuumed up into the cylinder, where it will stayuntil the seal is broken (usually by pressing the quick releasebutton). Play around with your new mini dick-gently: tug the tube, holda vibrator against it or, if you've got someone to help out, (or if youare very limber), suck on it.
  10. You can fuck while the cylinder is on. Swaddling the cylinder witha little padding to cover the valve end and then covering it with asmall condom will make it more comfortable for your partner. For moreinfo on fucking with a pumped up clit check out the book The Ultimate Guide to Strap-On Sex by Karlyn Lotney.
  11. Push the edges. For those who like to inflict sharp sensations ontheir lover's tender parts, this is a toy for pushing the edges. Andtops with butch bottoms find clit pumps menacing, technical and wellsuited to gender play.
  12. No insta-penis! Some daily pumpers report small permanent increasesover time but usually the tissue returns to a swollen but near normalsize as soon as the vacuum pressure is released, and all the way backto normal by the next day.

Nipple Pumping

The cylinders used for clit pumping were originally designed for thepleasurable sensation and/or enormous nipples created by nipplepumping. If you enjoy the feeling of hard sucking on your nipples, youmay enjoy the steady pull of a vacuum pump. The same basic suggestionsapply: go slowly, experiment, enjoy the visuals, and stop if it hurts.