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Are you looking for friendly, straightforward sex advice? Rachel andClaire, co-founders Babeland, are here to help. In theirregular column, Ask Rachel and Claire, they dole out sex advice oneverything from overcoming painful sex to improving oral sex techniqueto finding the right dildo for your new harness.

During their ten years selling sex toys, they've answered thousandsof questions about all kinds of sexual practices and activities. Theircustomers share their most intimate desires and concerns, offering thema unique glimpse into the bedrooms of men and women across the world.They serve up candid sex advice in a disarming, playful andnonjudgmental manner.

In addition to their regular online column, Rachel and Claire arethe authors of the bestselling sex guide, Sex Toys 101: A Guide for thePlayfully Uninhibited. In this sex toy primer, they share tips and sexadvice on topics including anatomy, choosing vibrators, and exploringBDSM.

If you?re looking for sex advice on matters of sexual technique,visit Babeland?s How To?s or check out some of the cutting edge articles, guide books, or sex education videos in ourstore.