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pencilI'm fresh off of teaching another fantastic Babeland workshop. If you missed Becoming Orgasmic in New York a couple of weekends ago, it was fantastic. I had so much fun and everyone had great questions and experiences to share.There are a lot of awesome workshops coming up at our stores this month. LA and New York are teaching G-spotting - one of our most popular workshops. If you're curious about g-spotting or you've given it a try but you're not sure if it worked, this workshop is for you. Babeland sex educators will tell you what the G-spot is, where it is and how to stimulate it with fingers, toys and partners.I'm also super-excited about Seattle's Provider night (tomorrow!!). I really wish I could go to this because I've worked a lot with doctors and would love to hear about their questions. Seattle is also holding a workshop on talking to kids about sex from the founder of Scarleteen which I know will be fantastic.LA and New York bring in the fantasy for Halloween month with an Erotic Bondage and Dirty Domination class in LA and a Fantasy and Filth class in New York. Hot.And of course, don't forget about the Sexy Jack-O-Lantern contest!The full schedule:New YorkG-Spot 101: Sunday Oct 14Knock Yourself Up Book Party: Thursday Oct 18Fantasy and Filth: Sunday Oct 21Sex Jack-O-Lantern Contest: Sunday Oct 28SeattleMedical Professionals Night: Tuesday Oct 2A Taste of Tantra: Sunday, Oct 7Talking to Kids About S.E.X.: Tuesday Oct 16Sexy Jack-O-Lantern Contest: Sunday Oct 28LAG-Spot 101: Thursday Oct 11Erotic Bondage and Dirty Domination: Wednesday Oct 24Sexy Jack-O-Lantern Contest: Sunday Oct 28