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navigating painful sex

dealing with painful penetrative sex? you're not alone! pain during sex can happen for many reasons - we're here with expert tips and tools to help you navigate and manage so you can have a pleasurable, fulfilling, and comfortable sex life.

Hydrating Lubricants

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A good lube can reduce friction and add glide to make penetration (and all types of play!) more comfortable. Added botanicals can help hydrate and moisturize the body, making for an even more pleasurable experience.


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These sets of graduated insertable toys help you slowly work your way up to more comfortable penetrative play by gently stretching and relaxing the muscles over time.

Stopper Rings + Buffers

These tools can help customize penetrative length with soft and stretchy rings to help reduce depth but keep sensation.

Kegel + PC Exercisers

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Strengthening your pelvic floor with kegel exercise can help reduce painful penetration by improving muscle function and blood flow to the area.

Positioning Tools

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Positioning tools and sex furniture, like sex pillows and wedges, can help elevate the body to open the hips and allow for more comfort as you play.

Painful Sex Q&A