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Magic Wand


Our best-seller since we opened in 1993, the Magic Wand is nothing short of a cultural icon. With a deep and rumbly motor and a simple design that promotes play and exploration for every body, the Magic Wand deserves its alluring reputation of a must-have for anyone's nightstand.

Wanna know more? Check out our Babe Blog -History of an Icon: The Magic Wand

“There is a reason Magic Wand has stood the test of time and now I'm a believer too.”
Magic Wand Original
“[I’ve] owned Magic Wand for 40 years, and it NEVER let me down.”
Magic Wand Original Rechargeable
“This thing gets you there faster than a race car.”
Magic Wand Micro
“Can't believe these have existed for so long and I [only just] got one. I think I’m in love…
Magic Wand Original Rechargeable

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