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Sex Toy Zodiac: Taurus

By: Lisa Finn


If you have the honor of having a Taurus in your life, you know this aesthetically driven bull loves luxury and pleasure! If you add some extra-special accessories to the top of their (very well curated) nightstand, you'll delight your gentle-yet-fierce Earth sign.

Taurus is ruled by Venus – the planet of sensuality, pleasure, love, romance, and art – and though their horns-first headstrong personality may lead you to think otherwise, when Taurus wants to relax, they’re going to really relax. So, take it slow with Taurus – tempt them, tease them, explore every inch. Their need for gratification and their willingness to make those wants directly known will have Taurus giving you their clear signal when it’s time to heat things up.




A Taurus takes pride in their space, and so anything that goes in it needs to meet their high standards – and when that piece of décor is multi-functional yet simple way to offer countless new ways to play? Taurus may already have this marked on their wishlist. Perfectly contoured for access and made of a soft yet sturdy foam interior, the Heart Wedge can lift (literally) your positioning game for oral, penetrative sex, solo sessions – however you want to play. And afterwards, it makes a perfect lounge pillow for that blissed-out relaxation Taurus deserves.

The gorgeously simple design of the Heart Wedge Pillow by Liberator comes in 5 color options of easy-to-clean microvelvet exteriors –black, soft grey, red, teal, and dusty rose – to make sure you don’t clash with your bull’s vibe.

With the word "Pleasures” right in the name of the set, this luxurious kit by Le Wand offers a variety of sensations in one perfectly matched chrome and white gift. Elegant and easy-to-use, the Bullet has accessible one-touch controls at the bottom of its rounded form while also being fully encased in a smooth metallic frame with a removable textured silicone sleeve and ring for added pleasure. The Le Wand Point is a contoured mini-vibe that has curves in all the right places – either contoured to the palm of your hand or propped against a pillow for an amazing hands-free masturbation experience.

The brand name LELO has become synonymous with luxury when it comes to sex toys, and there’s no questioning why. A totally unique (and award-winning) design, the Ora 2 uses a pulsating and swirling nub equipped with Sense Touch Technology to put that pleasurable pressure on the head of the clitoris – and with 10 settings, you can start your Taurus off slow and gradually increase your intensity as they’re left yearning for more. The gorgeous, rounded shape of the Ora 2 is both sculptural in look and ergonomic in use – with an opening in the stylish metallic center for an easy grip while you play.