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What is Anal Training? (and how to do it!)

By: Lisa Finn

Babeland: How to try anal training - prep for anal sex

What is anal training?

Anal training prepares the anus for penetrative play by allowing the body to get used to accommodating size through gradually relaxing and stretching it bit by bit (usually with toys) over time. Anal training is an important practice for both safety and comfort, as rushing into too much size too quickly can cause injury.

The anus has two sphincters: the outer is one whose muscles you can control, allowing it to relax or to tighten up - however the inner sphincter is involuntary, meaning that you can’t will it to open up for penetration, the body has to be relaxed to allow that to happen. One of the most common reasons that people think that anal hurts is due to trying to force through that inner sphincter - especially when paired with a lack of lubrication, this can not only cause pain (and I don’t mean the fun kind), but injury like tearing or fissures.

Anal training can also be just as fun as it is functional! Any stimulation to the booty can be pleasurable, especially since the rim of the anus is so nerve-rich, making it a sensational erogenous zone. 


How do I get started?

Anal Training - The One Anal SetFirst things first: ALWAYS use lube for anal play - yes, even when you’re using a very small anal training tool like a mini plug or a single finger. The anal canal doesn’t self-lubricate in the way that the vaginal canal can, and so you want to make sure that there’s ample lubrication to ensure that friction doesn’t harm the body or stretch it in a way that can cause that delicate tissue to tear. While using spit may seem sexy and could even work for the initial entry, that spit isn’t designed to last and will absorb into the body super quickly with the movement of penetration, so opting in for a good lube will not only help protect your bum, but that extra glide is going to help enhance sensation and make your anal training play even more enjoyable. Long-lasting silicone lube (I recommend Uberlube) is great for body-to-body or non-silicone toy play, and a thick water-based lube (I recommend Babelube Gel) is perfect when you're using silicone toys. 

Go slow: Take time to let your body get prepared. Start off your anal training with some foreplay – massage the nerve-rich rim of the anus to get it used to touch and sensation, and to work up excitement over the idea of penetration. You can also touch other erogenous zones first. Add in some penis or clitoral stimulation to get that blood flow going – a pre-booty play orgasm is a great way to really release some of that tension.

Start small: Anal training sets will come with a variety of plugs or toys in graduating sizes. Even if you feel like the smallest toy is too small, give it a try to help gauge your body’s comfort level. Dip in the tapered tip a little at a time - you can even insert a bit, take it out, insert a bit more, take it out, and repeat until the toy is fully inside the body up to the flared base. You can do the same thing with a single finger, going a knuckle at a time. Keep checking that you have ample lube for that much in-and-out.

Safety tip:Anal Safety - Flared Base

Not all toys are created equal, and by that, I mean butt-friendly. For a toy to safely be used in the booty, it needs to have a flared base to anchor it outside of the body to be easily retrieved after play. The butt doesn’t have a stopping point like the cervix will act for the vaginal canal, and even chains or strings can disappear up into the rectum as well – so your toy must have a flared base. Trust us, you don’t want to have to take that trip to the ER

Be patient: Booty training is not achieved in a day. If you’re really serious about getting your butt penetration-ready, try anal training a few times a week, keeping your toy in the body for up to 15 minutes when it’s comfortably inserted completely. Stay at the same size for a while and take breaks (and I’m talking about a few days, not a few hours) before graduating to the next size - the tissues of the anus are sensitive, and you want to really be sure you and your body are fully comfortable with that size before moving on. Don’t jump too big when sizing up - anal training sets are designed with these steps in mind, or if you’re using fingers, go one at a time.

Keep in mind that while you’re anal training, especially when moving up a size, you may experience some discomfort – it’s a new sensation that your body isn’t familiar with yet! Breathe through it and relax, but listen to your body - anal play should never be painful. If your training or play hurts, take the toy or fingers out, and assess what your body needs and what you need - whether it’s more time to prep, a break, more lube, more relaxation or foreplay, starting smaller again, or moving into a new position. 



The key to anal training is consistency – think of it like a workout. The more that you practice, the more your muscles will become accustomed to the sensation, and so as you’re starting out, you’ll want to train regularly to keep those muscles limber and prepared. Once you’re able to insert a plug without pain or resistance from your body, you can move up to that next size.

Not everyone is pornstar-ready for anal sex the second that their clothes come off, and that’s more than completely normal, and nothing to be ashamed of. If you’re playing with a partner, you don’t have to go from zero to 100 right away. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, speak up! You should never feel like you have to put your body through discomfort solely for the sake of someone else’s pleasure. Rushing into things or not communicating with your partner can cause serious injury, and a good partner will be able to respect that. If they don’t – it’s time to find a new butt buddy.

Finally, be sure that you enjoy your anal training - exploring anal can open up (pun intended) a whole world of exciting new types of play (partnered or solo!) and sensation. Play with different types of stimulation, and see what gives you those feelings of booty bliss.

Relax, go slow, be patient, communicate… and lube up! Happy training, babes.