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Beads for your butt? It may sound kind of crazy, but these specialbeads are designed to take advantage of the pleasant sensations thatcan occur as your sphincter muscles open and close around a series ofsmall round objects. When withdrawn at the peak of orgasm, you mayexperience an erotic thrill unlike any other. If you're alreadydiscovered the joys of anal play,you owe it to yourself to give this toy a try.

What Are Anal Beads?

Anal beads are basically a series of small roundbeads spaced evenly along a cord (or sometimes attached to a stalk).Some beads are evenly sized, while others sport spheres that graduallyincrease as you work your way along the string. A few of our popularstyles:

  • Sturdy silicone beads like Flexi Felix are hygienic,extremely comfortable, and easy to clean. On top of that they warm tothe body quickly and can take on the vibration of a toy that?sheld to its base. 
  • Beaded plugs like the Ripple operate on the same principle as the beads, but are set alonga firmer stalk or dildo.

How Do They Work?

Beads are like any other kind of butt plug with an addedbonus: as each bead is inserted, the sphincter muscles contract and relax around each one for extrasensation. Some folks love the feeling of having them pulled out all atonce during the moment of orgasm.

How Do I Use Them?

Remember the anal mantra when it comes to buttplay: "communication, lubrication, and relaxation." If you're new toanal play, you might want to learn more in our beginner's guide to buttsex.

  1. Communication counts! Whether you?re using anal beadsaloneor with a partner you want to stay focused on what your body or yourpartner is telling you. Playing together? Check in with your partnerwith simple questions: Do youneed more lube? Would it feel better to add more stimulation on otherbodyparts? Are you ready for another bead?Is it time to pull them out?
  2. Get a lube job. Since the butt doesn?t self-lubricate, it?s important to applylots of lubricant (try a nice thick water-based lube like Maximus or Sliquid Sassy Lube), to your beads, and be prepared to add more as action progresses.
  3. Make  sure you're turned on. Read your favorite erotica orwatch some adult videos. Listen to your partner talk dirty, but getyourself in the mood. Some peoplelike to have an orgasm (get a hand with the Hitachi Magic Wand) before heading for the back door to ensuretheir whole body is relaxed and blood is really pumping through the genitals,which can make the anus more sensitive.       
  4. Gently caress the anus. Tap lightly or massage the anal area in preparation.
  5. Go slow. Take your timeand insert the first bead. Stop for a moment and let your body adjustto the sensation. Insert the beads slooowly, allowing yourself to really savor the sensation.Stop to add extra lube when you need to. There?s no hurry to insert theentireset of beads to the hilt. The toy can feel just as nice when usedpartway, orjust the first couple of beads.
  6. Take a breather. Even if you?re reeling from the pleasure of the beads,don?t hold your breath. It?s a common practice for folks to take shallowbreaths?or forget to breathe completely?during sex, but deep breathing is essentialto enjoying sex, especially of the anal persuasion. Breathing deeply drawsmuch-needed oxygen through your body, which  helps to relax your muscles even further.
  7. Add to your pleasure. Try adding other kinds ofstimulation at the same time. Small vibrators like the Laya Spot vibe make it easy to send a good buzz to clit, nipples,penis, testicles or perineum while you?re working on the butt. 
  8. Go for timing. With the beads inside you and your orgasm building, try to time their withdrawal with your climax.
  9. Gently now. Pull the beads straight out, rather thantilting them up or down. Resist the urge to yank them out as if youwere starting a lawnmower, but respect your body and gently pull themout.

With a little bit of practice, anal beads can become yournew favorite toy box addition!