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The Babeland Silver Bullet vibrator is a toy-chest workhorse. The shinysilver ovoid is perfectly shaped to fit into a variety of sheaths,harnesses, silicone dildos, or just to nestle into a pair of panties.Powered by two AA batteries, this little dynamo whirs with surprisingintensity and often lasts for years. All for less money than somepeople spend on a day?s worth of espresso drinks!

There are many variations on the silver bullet style, usually interms of size (some are more egg-shaped) and texture (some are hardplastic, others are pliable). You can purchase the toy by itself or youcan pick up a sleeve to go over it, such as the Cybersleeve or theBunny Tickler.

You can use the Babeland Silver Bullet vaginally, but take care not to tugtoo hard on the cord. Relax your vaginal muscles (much as you would ifyou had to pee) and reach up an grasp the toy like you would a tampon.Silver bullets should not be inserted vaginally as the cord couldbecome dislodged from the toy if you pull too hard on it.

Purchase or read more about the Babeland Silver Bullet.

For more instruction, read How to Use a Vibrator.