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The Fleshlight is hailed asthe ultimate male masturbation toy by those who know best?men who?veused it. The Fleshlight is basically a penis sleeve?a tube intended torecreate the feeling of a penis in a vagina?but this one does the jobremarkably well. The reason is a special material (commonly referred toas cyberskin), which feels an awful lot like real skin.

The Fleshlight is a big, plastic canister that holds a generous,silky-soft pipe of cyberskin, and has an opening shaped like a mouth(or in some models a pussy). It looks like an oversized flashlight, sothe bashful masturbator can hide it in plain sight.

Tips for masturbating with the Fleshlight:

  • Take out the cyberskin insert and warm it under the tap until it?s nice and warm.
  • Turn yourself on.
  • Apply water-based lube to your penis.
  • Dive in! Put your penis in the Fleshlight and experiment?holdstill while moving the sleeve over your cock or move your cock whileholding the sleeve still.
  • Add vibration. The Fleshlight wasn?t designed to vibrate, but you can open the small end of the the canister and slip in a bullet vibrator.
  • Come!
  • Clean up by removing the plastic case, rinsing it out, and thenletting it air dry. Dust it with corn starch before replacing it in thecanister.

Purchase or read more about the Fleshlight.

For other sleeves check out the Blossom Sleeve or the Cybersleeve