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Menopaused Sex Drive

Dear Rachel and Claire,
I am a 49-year-old woman and have been through menopause. I have completely lost my sex drive. Can you help me?


Some people seem to be happy when their messy sexy feelings evaporate, but for most of us our sex drive is a very powerful feeling of aliveness. No wonder you want it back. Try priming the pump by watching sexy movies or reading dirty books. The erotic novel 50 Shades of Grey could be considered Viagra for women, it has turned so many readers on. The DVD Open Invitation has a huge variety of acts and actors as well as high production values. Give it a look. As we get older sexuality becomes like other aspects of our physical well being: we have to take care of ourselves more than we did when we were young adults. Invest in your sexuality by taking a sexuality oriented workshop, there are all sorts, from Tantra to SM. Just pick one and go, you’re sure to get something out of it.