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Lifestyles Skyn Condom

Lifestyles Skyn Condom Image 0
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Lifestyles Skyn condoms are a new alternative to latex condoms without sacrificing body heat and closeness. They're made of polyisoprene, a natural rubber with the strength and sensitivity of latex; and they're even thinner than most latex condoms....

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Lifestyles Skyn condoms are a new alternative to latex condoms without sacrificing body heat and closeness. They're made of polyisoprene, a natural rubber with the strength and sensitivity of latex; and they're even thinner than most latex condoms. Lifestyles Skyn condoms are lightly coated with a long-lasting, tasteless lubricant; add your own water- or silicone-based lube to make the fun last even longer. The perfect condom for folks with latex alergies who are searching for a latex free alternative. Avoid oil-based lubes with use.
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Brand: Paradise

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