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Seattle Professional Dominatrix Mistress Matisse has photo galleries with pictures from her sessions,and complete information about how to arrange an appointment. There are also articles, interviews, BDSM resources and links. Interesting browsing for the novice or the experienced... One Leg Up hosts events in New York that provide a comfortable, sensually liberating environment for both men and women.
Amazing Dreams Publishing As their homepage states: "We publish and design quality books and free E-cards for lesbian, bi, transgendered,and 'straight but not narrow' women who truly believe we can make a difference in this world."
RetroRaunch Wanna see lots of real women with real bodies doin’ all kinds of racy things in classic pin-up pictures? Check out this fabulous site full of vintage pics from 1860-1970. You can even send a free e-card!
Samone for You And she sings, too! Samone is a top flight New York escort whose video performances are available through her new website. As one reviewer put it: "She's a singing and performing star that knows the living arts when it comes to churning up great orgasms." Or catch her latest songs on! Seattle's very own sex positive superglamourpuss, Linda Santiman. She's a playwright, singer, songwriter, choreographer, actor, activist, and a damn sexy superhero! Her play Vikki Gadget Saves The World recently ran at Re-bar. See what you missed here!
The Sex HeraldAdult entertainment news and reviews.
GreasergrrlsA website and email list for women motor enthusiasts! Whether you're a mechanic or just really dig those classic old cars, you'll love this well-designed and fun site.
Pink RobotThe website you are viewing was designed and produced by two ladies that begged to have Tristan flown in to Seattle to put on one of her anal workshops!